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Mistress Bonita Page 3

  "No!" I practically shouted. "Please fuck me, Mistress."

  She chuckled. "As you wish." She picked up the vibrator first and twisted it on before pressing it roughly against my clit.

  "Oh, fuck!" I screamed, bucking against the buzzing between my thighs. She laughed as she shifted to kneel between my spread legs, never relaxing the pressure on my most sensitive nub. She roughly plunged three fingers deeply inside me. I moaned, clenching down around her.

  "You're so wet," She moaned as she added another finger and thrust back into me. I forgot how to breathe under the sudden onslaught to me senses. "Breathe, Rachel." She reminded me and my breath shuddered out. In just a few more thrusts, I felt myself on the verge of orgasm again. Part of me expected her to stop again, denying me release, but she didn't. She just thrust as deeply into me as she could and curled her fingers and sent me screaming over the edge. The onslaught didn't stop and a second, more intense orgasm shuddered through me.

  After the second orgasm, I could tell that I was more open to her, and she pulled her fingers from me and set the vibrator to the side. My mistress quickly wiped her hand off on the sheet before reaching for the dildo. In swift movements, she had covered it in lube and moved back into position between my thighs. She dripped some of the lube onto me, and my hips jerked up in response to the cold liquid. She grinned at me before, easing the tip between my folds. I could feel it press against my channel and I forced myself to relax and accept it.

  I shuddered as it slowly filled me. When it was buried as deeply as it would go, my mistress asked, "Are you alright?"

  I let out several needy pants before I was able to find my voice. "Yes, Mistress."

  "Good," she said before beginning to carefully thrust in and out of me. With the first thrust, I came again. I was filled so completely that every movement brought on short intense orgasms that raked through me. My mistress began thrusting faster and harder, as I became more open for the large phallus. Each orgasm built upon the one before until I let out an endless scream as my body arched as far off the bed as the restraints would allow. I slumped back onto the bed as sobs suddenly began wracking my small frame. Immediately, I felt the large dildo pulled from my body as my mistress hastily pulled me into her arms. "Shh, it's alright. You're ok." She whispered over and over into my ear.

  I was still trembling when the last sob faded. I turned my face to nuzzle my mistress' neck feeling more satisfied than I ever had before. I'd never felt more safe, or content in the arms of any other lover I had ever had. I knew in that moment that this was something I desperately needed in my life, and the thought scared me.

  Feeling the sharp shuddering breath against her neck, my mistress pulled back. "Are you ok?" She asked looking down at me.

  "Yes, Mistress. That was just overwhelming. I'm sorry that I cried." I said, pushing my fears away to focus on the woman in front of me.

  She smiled kindly, "That's alright, Rachel. It happens more often than you might think."

  "Oh, ok." I said with doubts clouding my mind. I didn't want to be reminded that she did this often. I looked away from her, trying to hide the tears suddenly pricking my eyes.

  "Look at me," she commanded gently. I did as she asked and I saw the understanding in her eyes. I blushed realizing that she knew what I had been thinking. "Do you want to stop?"

  I wasn't sure how much more I could take, but I knew that if this was going to be the only night I could belong to my mistress, then I didn't want it to end. "No, Mistress."

  She smiled brilliantly at me. "Good, I'm not ready for it to end either. But first there are things that we need to talk about."

  I was confused. What did she want to talk to me about? Am I not pleasing her? What did I do wrong? The thoughts died as she sat up and reached back and began untying the bindings that had kept her mask in place all night. Understanding rushed through me and I relaxed. I watched her with growing curiosity as the mask fell away, only to be replaced with rage as recognition flooded me.

  "Emma!?" I shrieked.

  Her eyes met mine with a look of guilt mixed with hope. "Yes, Rachel."

  "What the fuck?" I yelled, as I stared up at her. I struggled against the bindings, suddenly feeling too exposed under my former sorority president's gaze. Emma and I clashed throughout college. We were never the best of friends.

  "I'm sorry," She whispered, but she made no move to release me.

  "Let me go." I demanded glaring at her.

  Her eyes turned cold as she looked down at me, and I had to suppress the shudder as her domme persona fell back over her features. "No, Rachel. You are still wearing my collar and I will not take orders from you."

  Not ready to back down from her, I spat out, "Fuck you."

  Her response was immediate. She reached out and twisted my nipple painfully. I gasped as heat shot through me again. "You know what you have to say if you want me to stop." She said in an overly calm voice.

  I gritted my teeth to keep the safeword from falling off my lips. I needed to think. This wasn't the Emma I knew from college. She had changed in the years since I had last seen her, as had I, if I was being honest with myself. I wanted this Emma. That realization made me freeze. I swallowed and forced myself to think about everything we'd done, knowing that is was Emma who had done it to me, and I felt the shudder rake through me as my center clenched and flooded with need.

  "No," I gasped out.

  Her eyebrow shot up as she pinched my nipple roughly. "No what, Rachel?"

  I moaned, "No, Mistress." I felt desperate need fill me as I knowingly called Emma that for the first time.

  She smiled triumphantly down at me and released my throbbing nipple. "Good girl." She moved to straddle my waist and leaned down until her face hovered a fraction of an inch above mine. "Do you still wish to continue?"

  I was panting with raw need. "Yes, Mistress."

  "Who do you belong to?"

  I shuddered. "You, I belong to you, Emma." I felt something shift and settle inside me.

  Emma's eyes widened and her breath caught. "Yes you do." Her lips crashed into mine with a force and need that left me squirming under her. When she pulled back, her eyes were dark with desire and she was panting. "God, Rachel, I've waited so long for this."

  "You have?"

  "Yes, and I intend to make you pay for every minute that I've had to wait." Her voice was husky and caused me to shiver in anticipation.

  For hours, I paid for making her wait. I paid her until with a final screaming orgasm we both collapsed onto the bed. She finally released my wrists and ankles from their restraints, but left the collar. She took a short chain from the drawer in her bedside table and clipped one end to my collar, locking it with a small padlock before attaching the other end of the chain to the headboard with another small padlock. I was so tired by this point that I just watched her.

  She smirked at me and said, "I just want to make sure you're still here in the morning."

  I smiled. "I had no intention of leaving, Mistress."

  She cupped my cheek in one hand. "Well, just in case you feel differently in the morning."

  She tugged me into her arms and I willingly curled into her side, resting my head on her shoulder. "Thank you, Mistress." I whispered, feeling exhaustion rising to claim my sore body. I knew that I would hurt in the morning, but I didn't care.

  Emma chuckled and gently kissed my forehead. "You're welcome, Rachel. Now go to sleep. We'll talk more in the morning."

  "Ok," I said sleepily before dropping off into a deep dreamless sleep.

  Chapter 2

  I woke to the feeling of warm skin underneath me and a gentle hand trailing through my hair. I froze, a blush warming my cheeks as I remembered the events of the previous night and that I was curled up against Emma, the one-time bane of my existence.

  Emma chuckled huskily. "Good morning, Rachel."

  My blush deepened. "Um, good morning." I said awkwardly.

  Her fingers trailed down my cheek and
gave a gentle tug on the collar still circling my throat. "I love seeing my collar on you." I whimpered as heat rushed through me. "Look at me, please." I met her intense gaze feeling incredibly self-conscious. "Do you regret last night?"

  I quickly shook my head. "No, not at all."

  She smiled, and I could see the relief in her eyes. "Do you want to keep wearing my collar?"

  I hesitated, biting my lip. "For how long?"

  "That depends on you."

  "I don't know, Emma. I—I don't think I can live like this all the time."

  "I can understand that Rachel. Let me ask a simpler question. Do you want this to continue?"

  "Yes, Mistress," I said honestly.

  She smiled. "Me, too." She paused to think for a moment before asking, "Do you have anywhere you need to be today?"

  It was Sunday, and I wasn't due anywhere until the lunch meeting I had with my manager the following day. "No, Mistress. I don't have to be anywhere until tomorrow at noon."

  "Excellent. Then this is my proposal; when you are in this house, you will wear my collar and belong to me and must do as I say. If we need to leave the house together, we will discuss whether or not you will wear the collar. If it is on, the same rules apply and I expect the same obedience even if we are in public. If it is not on, then you may do as you like until we return and you put the collar back on. How does this sound so far?"

  I thought over her offer. It seemed fair. "Ok, I think I can do that."

  "Tomorrow, before you leave, we will discuss whether to continue this or not. Do you agree to my terms?" She asked raising en eyebrow.

  "Yes, Mistress."

  She smiled the happiest smile I had ever seen on her face. It took my breath away. "Good," she said before turning to grab the small key from her nightstand. She quickly unlocked the chain from my collar before pulling me into a searing kiss. When she pulled back, we were both panting. She smiled down at me. "Now, go make us some breakfast."

  "Yes, Mistress," I said, and climbed from the bed. I was still naked as I padded into the kitchen and opened the fridge to see what was available to make.

  Emma came into the kitchen about 15 minutes later, wrapped in a shear robe. I stopped to stare at her, feeling myself grow wet at the glimpse of her naked body through the thin fabric. She let me look for a moment before saying, "Don't let my eggs burn, Rachel."

  I jumped and quickly turned back to the stove. In seconds I had two plates filled with scrambled eggs and bacon. I moved over to the small kitchen table and placed the plates on the table, before going to pour coffee into two mugs. "Do you like cream and sugar?"

  "Yes, please."

  I finished preparing the coffee and moves back to sit across the table from her. We ate in silence for several minutes before I asked, "Emma, may I ask you a question?"

  She looked sharply at me for a minute before saying, "Yes."

  "What led you to this lifestyle?"

  Her immediate blush surprised me. She took a minute to compose herself before she spoke.

  "One simple word: control. I’ve always craved it. I know I was overbearing at times as your sorority president, but I loved the power of influence I had on others. As soon as I started acting as a dominatrix, I often found myself fantasizing about you and what I would do to you if I ever managed to have you kneeling bound at my feet."

  I was breathless as I asked, "Really?"

  Her eyes darkened, "Yes, Rachel. It's why I asked Darrin to hire you for the party last night. I had to see how you would respond when surrounded by the dommes and subs. I needed to know if I would ever be able to fulfill my fantasies."

  I swallowed hard. "That's why he hired me?"

  "Well, your musical abilities played a role as well."

  "Thank you, Emma." I asked, genuinely pleased that she had gone to so much effort for me.

  She smiled. "You're welcome," she said, before the smile faded away and a stern look crossed her features. "But if you say my name one more time, you will be sorry."

  I gasped, feeling my eyes widen, even as heat flooded through me. "I'm sorry, Mistress. I forgot myself."

  She raised an eyebrow. "Kneel and lower your eyes. You have lost the privilege of looking at me."

  "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry." I said obeying her orders.

  "You may make it up to me, by pleasuring me." She said, drawing her robe apart and spreading her thighs.

  "Thank you, Mistress." I shifted to bring myself closer to her, the scent of her arousal filling my senses and making my head spin.

  "Wait," she said just before I was able to run my tongue through her damp folds. I immediately froze. "Good, girl. Now stay there." She pushed her chair back from me and swept from the room. She was back quickly and she crouched behind me, wrapping leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles. They all clipped together and I found that if I wasn't careful, I would fall over and have no way to sit back up. Heat rushed to my core and I whimpered. Emma moved back to stand in front of me and I could feel her eyes burning into me, but I did not meet her gaze. "Just perfect," she purred causing me to groan in need.

  My mistress shifted her chair and sat in front of me, bringing her center into reach of my mouth. Immediately I buried myself in her wet folds. I was startled by the hand that fisted in my hair and yanked my face away from her. "That was rude, Rachel. You did not ask for permission to touch me."

  I stammered, "I-I'm sorry, Mistress."

  She sighed. "Not as sorry as you will be. I am going to finish my breakfast, now. You will wait. Do not touch me and look straight ahead. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Mistress."

  "Good," she said before shifting her chair even closer to me so that I was looking directly into her core. It was swollen, wet and I desperately wanted to close the distance to run my tongue over her folds. I whimpered and she chuckled as she picked up her plate to continue her meal. As she ate, I fell into a near trance as her scent washed over me, and I saw her center clench and grow wetter as the minutes ticked past. At long last, Emma set down her plate and let out a long, satisfied moan that sent a shiver through me.

  "Now, my pet, have you learned your lesson?" She asked.

  "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry." I said.

  "Fine then you may taste me."

  Her words had barely reached me when I lurched forward and plunged my tongue into her. Her shuddering response made my own center clench and I devoured her, licking up her desire. Desperate moans fell from my lips as I feasted. When she moaned out her release, she made me stop and sit back.

  As she unclipped my restraints, she told me to move back to my chair. I immediately jumped to follow her orders and she secured my ankles to the chair legs, before clipping the handcuffs together. "Now, finish your breakfast. You will need all of your strength for what I have in mind for you."

  "Yes, Mistress. Thank you."

  She just smirked at me before making herself another cup of coffee and sitting across from me. My food had grown cold, but I didn't care. It was awkward to eat with my wrists bound together, but I managed it. I ate as quickly as I possibly could, keeping my eyes carefully locked onto my plate, even though I could feel her watching me as she quietly sipped her coffee. When I had finished eating, I carefully set my fork back on my plate and sat back, waiting with bated breath for what she would do next.

  Emma said nothing as she left the room. After a minute she came back with a black leather harness, a small dildo and some kind of remote in her hands. I had no idea what it was for, but I didn't ask. She set them on the table and moved to release my feet from the chair. "Stand up." I obeyed and she lifted the dildo. "Spread your legs." Again I did as she asked. I gasped when she ran a finger through my dripping folds. "Good, you're wet enough," she said before carefully sliding the dildo into me. I gasped and struggled to stay standing when my knees went weak. I felt her hands on my waist, steadying me.

  "Thank you, Mistress." I whispered, grateful for her support.

  "You're welcome. Now, this
harness has a strap that goes through your legs to keep the dildo inside of you." She said, holding up the leather and I nodded, understanding. She strapped in on me, and I felt the stiff leather press the dildo further inside me. I moaned. "Do, you like the way that feels, Rachel?" Emma chuckled.

  "Yes, Mistress," I moaned.

  She brushed a hand down my back before lifting the remote. "This is for the dildo. Once I turn it one, you are not to come until I give you permission. Nor will I turn it off to prevent your orgasm until I choose to remove it. Do you understand?"

  I felt myself clench around the phallus as I nodded, "Yes, Mistress. I understand."

  "Good," She said and I could hear the smirk in her voice. I barely had time to consider how much trouble I was about to be in before she turned it on. I jerked at the first vibration, but it was only the beginning. My mistress twisted the dial on the remote and the vibrator began to twist within me.

  "Oh, fuck," I moaned. I struggled to remain on my feet and as I strained to hold off the orgasm that was immediately building within me, I failed to notice what my mistress was doing.

  "Open your mouth," she growled into my ear. I shuddered and did as she commanded. Immediately, the rough fabric of the belt for her robe was thrust into my mouth. "I won't allow you to speak like that in my home," She snarled as she tied the material behind my head. I could only groan in response. "Now, you will wash the dishes and clean up the mess you made in the kitchen." She unlocked the cuffs on my hands to allow me the freedom to do as she asked.

  I nodded and moved to comply. The first step caused the dildo to shift inside me, and I froze, biting hard on the material in my mouth as an orgasm threatened to crash through me. After a second, I had regained my composure enough to try moving again. Every step threatened to send me flying over the edge, but I was able to grit my teeth and hold it at bay. I could feel my mistress' smirk as I slowly gathered our dishes and moved to the sink. I held out until I began to scrub the bacon grease from the frying pan. I screamed through the material in my mouth as my release ripped through me.